This Week's Topic:
What was the best book you read in August?
The best book I read this month isn’t a YA but it’s rather brilliant.
It’s ‘End of the Night Girl’ by Amy T. Matthews.
Amy belongs to a writers group I attend. Here’s what the publisher Wakefield press says on its site:
Molly, a sassy Australian waitress, is haunted by the ghost of a murdered Polish Jew. The two young women's stories, each a compelling page-turner, combine teasingly in one as End of the Night Girl explores shadows cast by the Holocaust across decades, continents and cultures.
Wow, huh?
It sounds intense and I found it so, and amazing and emotional and thought provoking. It’s so wonderfully and skillfully told and it’s haunted me since.
I was lucky enough to attend the book launch (pic below) and am thrilled Amy has a real success story here in her first book.
What have you read that’s made you think this month?