Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RTW - Choose your own Question-venture

Each week, YA Highway hosts Road Trip Wednesday, a blog carnival in which contributors discuss a topic on their blogs and invite readers to do the same.
This Week's Topic is super interactive:
What do you want to know about writing and getting published?

My question... is how to choose which idea to write?

I am an eternally awful decision maker and struggle to decide what to write. each idea will take a long time to finish and I'm worried about the time investment if I can't pull it off to be as cool as it sounds in my head. At the same time, I can't switch up easily. Sigh... I seem to waste time trying to decide.


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Couples magic...

Each week, YA Highway hosts Road Trip Wednesday, a blog carnival in which contributors discuss a topic on their blogs and invite readers to do the same. This week's RTW topic is:

Who are your favorite literary couples?You know -- the ones you like by themselves, but LOVE together!

This one got me thinking.

My instant reaction was Ron and Hermione. Sigh... So real, so much build up, so believable... love it. No sappy there. Lots of laughs though.

And then I thought some more... and stalled a bit. There are so many that I'm struggling to pick the best of them. I love smart girls and bad boys, super cool girls with shy guys, the outcasts who find each other... too many to choose.

What about you?