Saturday, September 25, 2010

getting better

Obviously I'd like to improve. To the point of publication... and beyond.
To that end I've enetered a great contest on Bookshelf Muse (one of my fave blogs) for a mentorship/crit opportunity. Check it out! Even if you're not interested in the contest, it's a great resource!

The other part of getting better is reading. I've been reading Scott Westerfeld's Uglies and have been blown away. I'd heard about this book but with a tbr pile that kinda looks like a small mountain it took a while to get to. Anyway, am almost finished and am so glad I did!

Obviously in between contests and reading I need to write. That's been the kicker lately. I love my story, know where i want it to go but I'm not sure I'm doing it justice. hopefully it will all work out in the edits.



  1. Hey Beck,
    Was wanting to read Uglies myself. Good to hear that you like it.

    Good luck with your contest!


  2. Thanks for visiting Sue!!
    Loved Uglies!!


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